Climber is a data and Business Intelligence (BI) specialist. Our aim is to provide our clients with a solution that helps to tackle the questions your business and customers are asking. Our solutions provide your employees with real-time data from your business systems and external sources which are most critical to making the important decisions. We help you to transform complex data into concrete information that tells you how you can; speed up the decision making process, identify new opportunities and increase profitability and growth. Because when your employees can focus on the right things, productivity soars and your business will reap the benefits. This is the path to smarter decision making and a more successful business. We call this Creating Intelligent Business.

A European BI Consultancy
Since 2007, Climber has developed over 500 data and integration solutions per year for monitoring, analysis and reporting in QlikView and Qlik Sense, helping over 400 companies with solution strategy, development, infrastructure, and support. With the highest number of certified consultants and offices in Stockholm, Malmö, Helsinki, Hengelo, and London, we’re the largest Qlik partner in Europe.

We have 100 employees that combine operational and technology expertise with experience from a wide range of industries and functions to solve your data-, process- and business-related challenges. We design sustainable BI solutions for your entire business needs, giving you real-time, on-demand answers for informed decision making – a must if you want your operations to be data-driven.
How it started …
Back in 2007 Climber’s founders, Jan Sipek and Michael Nordstrom, had a vision, similar to how the Industrial Revolution in the 18th Century changed business and society, data and the technology encompassing it would ultimately lead to the “data revolution” of our times. Nearly 20 years later, and that vision has been more than established. Data and the way in which we use and consume it has become the single most important success factor in business.
Climber – Part of Digia Group
In 2020 Climber joined forces with Digia when the company acquired the entire share capital of Climber International AB, including Climber’s business in Finland, Sweden, and the Netherlands.
Digia is a software and services company based in Helsinki with more than 1,500 employees, and customers worldwide. Digia’s offering covers all layers of digitalisation and data utilisation: digital services, business systems, integration and API solutions as well as solutions for data management and analytics. The company is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki (DIGIA).
Top of Minds
Digia is also represented in Sweden through our sister company Top of Minds, an IT consulting and services company established in 2011. They are over 60 employees that provide high-quality services for data and analytics consulting, integrations, e-commerce, and project management. Top of Minds’ customers include ICA, Åhlens, Svenska Spel, and Länsförsäkringar.
Top of Minds has expertise in both modern data analytics and classic data warehousing, front end analytics, and integration, which complement us to deliver even more value to you as a customer. Read more about the acquisition in the press release.
8 fast facts about us

As the data revolution has matured over these nearly 20 years, so has Climber. From its humble beginnings in Sweden, we now have offices in Stockholm, Malmö, Helsinki, and Hengelo. We are also represented in the UK through Climber BI Ltd, our strategic partner.

Our clients

How we do it
We combine business know how with technical expertise. We are a team with experience from different industries and functions that enables us to understand your data, process and business-related challenges. Our technical competence and extensive experience of data visualisation technologies enables us to design a sustainable BI solution that covers your entire business needs. A successful project is based on close cooperation – a partnership – with you as a customer, where we put ourselves into your business shoes to understand your challenges and opportunities and formulate a vision of what you can achieve with BI.
The BI journey is driven by our business consultants. We listen, ask questions, challenge and query both your views and our own. We think in terms of change. The value of our solutions are generated in the hands of the users in your organisation. Therefore, training and monitoring is a top priority in every project to ensure the effectiveness of the solution.
Our technical expertise is the backbone
Our BI Consultants are data and business experts. With full technology certifications and accreditations from our partner offerings. All our solutions are quality assured on an ongoing basis by a consultant who is independent from the project at hand. Our Expert Services team are dedicated to the BI environment and infrastructure behind the solution. In addition to installation and upgrades, we also handle management, user support and further development of the implemented solution when new issues, users and needs arise. We enjoy a close collaboration with our technology partners and their own support team, and are regularly asked to test their new products and releases before they are launched, as we believe you only deserve the best.
Want to know more? Contact us.
Eva Chrona
Group CEO
+46 70 960 03 54
Jussi Saarinen
Finland Managing Director
+358 40 756 7340
Stef Comello
Netherlands Managing Director
+31 6 81 78 98 97
James Sharp
UK Partner Managing Director
+44 203 858 0668